Beautiful 998/996 Blizzard Run up to Bear Mountain

Okay, so it was cold today. Thirty something, no sun and snowing. Hard. I'm so eager to ride this superbike, but the fluids are filthy, and the belts haven't been checked, probably for four or five years since Ferracci last serviced it.  So I brought my 996 up to Rockwell in the snow for Ducati's  regularly schedule service interval, and got in a freezing, snowy ride. 

Last week, a friend of mine (a fellow DOCNYC member who would like to remain anonymous at this point), who helped push me over the edge buying a 996 instead of a BMW S1000RR,
 fell in love with my bike so deeply he bought one of his own, purchasing a 2002 998.
 He and I are just itching to get out and ride this spring, though the weather hasn't really warmed up enough to ride very far.
But we also wanted Rockwell to take a look at our beautiful machines, yet wanted to get in a quick ride before we dropped off the bikes for the next couple of weeks. 
 As we were driving up the Palisades Parkway in my friend's van, it started to snow, which turned into nearly blizzard conditions by the time we got up to Fort Montgomery.
But, no snow was sticking, so although everyone thought we were crazy, we took a little 45 minute ride up to and around Bear Mountain in the snow before we dropped the bikes off.

© 2015 Tigh Loughhead
