My Monster and the ST3's batteries were both dead, so my brother-in-law lent me his gorgeous Ducati GT1000.
The morning was a bit brisk, but the day was spectacular, and the first chance to test out my new GoPro riding, the main reason I had finally succumbed and bought the camera.
Upon arriving, we found a CRASHED Noble M12 GTO 3R, a custom British made-to-order supercar lying in the parking lot with the hub and spokes ripped of the rim, and the damaged undercarriage sprawled on the ground. The Noble comes in at about 360hp, making it an incredibly powerful, not to mention an incredibly rare vehicle to find in the middle of rural Pennsylvania farm country.
The rim had literally ripped off the spokes and was sitting inside the brewery.
We did find out later that the car belonged to a local collector of rare and expensive cars.
© 2016 Tigh Loughhead